CBD Focal Points List
(Restricted use)

World Environment Day
World Biodiversity Day

Note from Head-RBP
IUCN – RBP Staff

- National Biodiversity Strategies, Plans and Policies
- Monitoring and Assessment of Biodiversity
- Capacity building, Awareness raising and Communications
- Legal and Regulatory Issues
- Poverty and Livelihoods
- Biosafety
- Environmental Governance
- Climate Change
National Biodiversity Strategies, Plans and Policies

Partnering with several countries in Asia, assistance has been provide for development, implementation and review of National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) of Bangladesh, India, Nepal, China, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Lao PDR and Pakistan. Support was provided for developing sub-national biodiversity conservation plan in China. Currently, the focus has been on mainstreaming issues of development, economics, climate change and other issues into NBSAP implementation plans. The programme was a solicited partner to coordinate and implement the GEF-UNDP-UNEP Biodiversity Planning Support Programme (BPSP) for South and Southeast Asia.
Monitoring and Assessment of Biodiversity

Working in partnership with governments, institutions and other agencies at national level the programme supports a range of activities related to species assessments using the Red List categories and criteria; species monitoring through development of indicators; develop species management plans for invasive alien species and management interventions for agrobiodiversity conservation. Specific actions include development of national lists of threatened species for Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Vietnam; invasive species management plans for India, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Vietnam; agrobiodiversity prioritization plan for Lao PDR. Current activities focus on supporting actions to achieve the 2010 targets of CBD.