CBD Focal Points List
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World Environment Day
World Biodiversity Day

Note from Head-RBP
IUCN – RBP Staff

IUCN Regional Biodiversity Programme, Asia had the honour of working with a range of stakeholders and an inter-ministerial committee in Maldives to help Republic of Maldives finalise the national biosafety policy and the biosafety framework. During the final stakeholder workshop held in Male on 11th Spetember 2005 the policy and framework was presented to the inter-ministerial group for finalisation.
Speaking on the occassion the Director General of Environment Research Center, Dr. Mohamed Ali welcomed ….
September 2005 | More Info…

Are trade, trade liberalisation linked to development and growth? Can Hong

Kong WTO Ministerial Meeting provide leads to take forward the interests of developing countries? Will the 6th WTO Ministerial Meeting be the provider of life-line for Doha Agenda? These are some of the questions some 80 participants asked amongst themselves within South Asia Region at the Pre-WTO Session of Global Biodiversity Forum (GBF) held in New Delhi, India during August 11-12, 2005.
August 2005 | More Info…

At the invitation of National Biodiversity Authority (NBA) of India, the Regional Biodiversity Programme, Asia participated in an expert committee meeting to discuss and finalise the elements of several agreements (research, commercial utilisation, IPRs and transfer of technology) related to Access and Benefit Sharing, on 23rd July 2005. India is one of the few countries in the world that has a comprehensive national legislation on biodiversity (National Biodiversity Act 2002 and Biological Diversity Rules 2004). IUCN is pleased to be providing support to the National Biodiversity Authority to implement the Act and the Rules.

National Consultation on
Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety

Regional Biodiversity Programme-Asia supported a one-day national consultation on the agenda at COP-MOP2 meeting of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety held in partnership RIS in New Delli, India.
May 2005 | View Report…..

Regional Session of Global Biodiversity Forum

IUCN-RBP is currently supporting organisation of two sessions of Global Biodiversity Forum (GBF) prior to the ministerial meeting of World Trade Organisation (WTO) through the UNEP-GEF project on GBF.
More Info…